Sunday, November 18, 2012

From Rocky Top to Rock Hill!! The Bowlings are MOVING!!

                                                                                                                                              November 17, 2012 

Dearest Friends and Brethren,

Greetings from the Bowling Family!  We would like to take this opportunity to announce that I (Tom) have been offered and have accepted the work as full time pulpit minister at the Charlotte Ave. church of Christ in Rock Hill, SC.  Charlotte Avenue is located approximately 20 miles south of Charlotte, NC, and is currently served by four elders and 7 deacons. We are very excited about this door that the Lord has opened for us, and covet your prayers as we begin our efforts to further encourage and grow the Lord’s Kingdom there.

It is with mixed emotion that I compose this announcement.  The Bowling family has grown to love our friends and brethren at Dayton, TN, and will miss all of your dearly.  Our time at Dayton has been a blessing to us, and the friendships that have been built will never be forgotten.  The young people especially are like my own children.  I am very proud of your spiritual growth and development, and encourage each of you  to continue in that growth.

Our friends and brethren at Eastside in Cleveland, TN are also on our minds at this time.  Although we have been gone for a while, you’ve been “just over the river” and we have been fortunate enough to stay in touch and visit often.  That will change somewhat, but we knew going in that this day would come. We will miss all of you very much.

Since making the decision in 2009 to attend the East Tennessee School of Preaching and Missions, our family has experienced nothing other than encouragement from our brethren, and blessings from our Heavenly Father.  It seems that things have consistently gone right for us, and the Lord has provided exactly what we have needed at exactly the right time.  Not that it hasn’t been difficult at times (commuting and being away from family for 2 years was rough) but, our plans and goals have somehow fallen into place. Initially, we sought out support and got it. Then, we wanted to somehow survive school, which we did with the help of many, including 7 congregations and 6 individual families.  We desired to work initially at a congregation close by (within 50 miles of home) and we were given that opportunity also. Now, our goal of serving in a full time preaching role will be realized.  We are certainly grateful for every prayer, and every opportunity that has been given to us in helping us reach our goals as it pertains to working for the Lord in His Kingdom.

Ultimately, all of us should have the goal of heaven.  It is my prayer that each of us will be reunited there one day, never again to be separated.  As I have stated to the elders at Eastside and at Dayton from the very beginning, I will do my very best to always preach and teach Truth. I will never compromise on matters of the Faith.  I will also endeavor to bring as many souls to Christ as I can by teaching them the Word.  Thank you all, we love you very much!

In His Service,

Tom Bowling and Family    



  1. Wow what a wonderful blessing for your family and for the Charlotte Ave. c of C. Dayton will have a great emptiness for a while. Your whole family has done such a great work at Dayton.
    How exciting though for the Bowling family and especially you Tom. I wish you the best in this new phase of your lives. :-)

    May God shine even more blessings down upon you,
    Mary Scarlett

  2. Thank you, Mary! We miss your family so much! I heard a voice today that reminded me of Jack...
