Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CYC 2013 “Jesus, The Man, The Friend, and The Door”

CYC 2013 “Jesus, The Man, The Friend, and The Door”

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

These days, young people have many role models to look up to. Children are being constantly bombarded with the idea that sports figures such as Lebron James, Tim Tebow, etc. are “the man”.  Our kids are taught that unless we conform to and agree with what is socially acceptable, like homosexuality, we cannot be a “true friend”.  Also, modern day teaching in schools and television are attempting to convince youth that there are many avenues (doors) to heaven, including denominationalism, Islam, and Oprah.    

Last weekend, Summer and I were privileged to accompany 12 of our youth and 6 adults to Challenge Youth Conference in Gatlinburg, TN.  CYC is in its 13th year, and is growing each year.  This year’s conference had over 9000 attendees!   Our children were introduced to six challenging lessons from three of the brotherhoods most dynamic and doctrinally sound preachers, Kyle Butt, Lonnie Jones, and David Shannon. We were also edified by wonderful singing, and some very effective (and sometimes hilarious) skits.  They even got to see their new preacher demonstrate his bible quiz knowledge on stage!! 

This year’s theme at CYC was “Jesus”.  Our teens heard very clear and timely lessons about our Lord and Savior, such as “Jesus, The Man”, “Jesus, Our Friend”, and “Jesus, The Door”. 

Kyle Butt presented Jesus as “The Man”, teaching our kids that Jesus was not only human, suffered and was tempted just as we are, but also that when those things happened to Him, He was triumphant over temptation, and we can be too!  Brother Lonnie Jones related to our young people that Jesus is “our Friend”, and no matter what we do, He will never forsake us and will always be on our side through whatever problem we may have.   And David Shannon effectively demonstrated that Jesus Christ is, and has always been, the ONLY door to heaven (I may have to get me one of those big red doors he used!).

These lessons were greatly encouraging to our young people.  But they weren’t the only good thing about our weekend.  All 20 of us were able to have time to grow, learn about each other, share personal thoughts about the lessons in our “devo-time” after the lessons back at the cabin, and have fun and fellowship together.  I conveyed to them that it was times like these that build friendships that last for a lifetime. 

Training our children, like the Proverb says, is the task of every parent and Christian.  I am thrilled that our time together this past weekend gave us opportunity to plant seeds in the hearts of our kids that will, Lord willing, help them to grow into strong and healthy Christian young adults.  I would like to thank the elders for allowing the trip, and the parents for allowing their children to go.  Young people, if you didn’t have the opportunity to go (it was short notice this year), please consider going with us next year.  You’re guaranteed to have a great time! Just ask anyone who went.

I am convinced, and I am sure you agree, that the strength, health and growth of any congregation is directly related to the strength, health and growth of its youth group.  I am committed to doing my part in ensuring that the Charlotte Avenue youth group grows spiritually and in numbers.  They are a great group of kids, and I am so glad that my boys have them to grow with.  I would like to encourage each of you to pitch in, and grow with us!!  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"It's a Miracle!!"..Really? #book/chapter/verse

Not my original material, but truth, nonetheless..
Have Miracles Ceased?
There are men and women who claim to perform miracles today. Preachers on T.V. supposedly demonstrate the power of miraculous works on the sick and afflicted. Many people are confused as to whether these things are true or false. So, in our study we ask the question, "Have Miracles Ceased?"
First let us define our terms. What is a miracle? A miracle is "an act of God superseding or suspending a natural law." Many use the term "miracle" in a very loose way, contrary to the biblical concept of the word. To some, almost everything is a miracle; from the trees budding in the spring, to the birth of a child. But these things are not actually miracles. A miracle is not a work of nature or an effect resulting from natural law. Neither should we confuse a miracle with God's providence. Providence is God working, but through a natural means.
The birth of a child is a working of natural law, not a miracle. Though it is a marvelous thing, child birth is simply the working of God's natural order set forth in the beginning-seed bearing fruit after its kind (Gen. 1-2). An example of a work of providence would be the birth of Samuel in answer to barren Hannah's prayer (1Sam. 1). God's hand is seen in Hannah being able to conceive, yet she conceived through a natural means. The virgin birth of Jesus was a miracle. This went beyond the working of nature or providence, it was super-natural.
We learn from the Scriptures that the purpose of miracles were two fold; to cause men to believe in the Lord (Jn. 14:11; 3:32), and to confirm His word (Jn. 20:30-31). Jesus promised His disciples the ability to perform miracles in order to confirm the word they would preach (Mk. 16:15-20). We learn from the New Testament that these miracles were performed and did indeed confirm the gospel that was proclaimed (Heb. 2:2-4).
The apostle Paul, however, spoke of a time when these miraculous gifts would pass away. In 1Cor. 12:8-10 nine spiritual gifts are mentioned, including prophecy, tongues, and knowledge. In the next chapter Paul states, "Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away" (1Cor. 13:8-10).
Note the apostle speaks of the partial being done away when the perfect comes. Some, who try to say miracles still exist, say that the reference to "that which is perfect" speaks of Jesus. But here Paul isn't speaking of Jesus. If so why speak of Him as a thing instead of a person-- "that which is perfect"? The word "perfect" refers to that which is brought to completion, wanting nothing (James 1:25). The thing in the context that would eventually come to be perfect or complete, in contrast to that which was then only partial, is God's revelation. At that time God's revelation was only partially known through prophecy, tongue speaking, etc. It however, would eventually be completed, written down, and preserved.
Today we have God's complete and perfect revelation-- the Bible. Thus, miracles have ceased just as the Lord's apostle foretold. More on Miracles next week.
Paul Smithson via Dave Hart

Weekly Communion: What does the Bible teach?


The memorial meal instituted by Jesus in the context of the Passover meal (Matthew 26:17-29) is the only thing that Jesus asked His disciples to do “in remembrance” of Him (Luke 22:14-20; 1Corinthians 11:23-26).  It is clear that the early church continued in this practice (Acts 2:42) and both Scripture (Acts 20:7; 1Corinthians 16:2) and early history and tradition indicate that the Lord’s Supper was the central focus of their weekly meeting.  Christians should not only want to maintain Apostolic tradition (2Thessalonians 2:15), but also see the importance of keeping the focus on the central and saving events of the Gospel: Jesus’ death for our sin, burial, and resurrection (1Corinthians 15:1-4) in a regular manner.  Congregations offer, but do not “police” (examine people and restrict it to “Christian Church” members only), the meal to all believers every week as an important means of obeying and remembering Christ.  While some claim that weekly observation can render it a “commonplace” experience, this same reasoning never seems to be applied to any other activity that could equally become “routine” - such as church attendance, hymn-singing, prayer, preaching, paying the preacher, telling your mate that you love them, etc.

       It should be noted that there may be a deep spiritual reason why the frequency of the Lord’s Supper and mode/meaning of baptism, etc. have become so varied and controversial amongst believers over the centuries.  If I were the Devil, I would make it a priority to remove the impact of the Christ-centered symbolism - make communion a rare occurrence so that people are less-frequently reminded of His death and shed blood.  With this in mind, let us examine some additional Biblical facts concerning the Lord’s Supper.   

      1. There is ample indication the Supper is designed to be a communal meal
         a. The disciples "came together" to break bread - Acts 20:7
         b. When they came together, they were to "wait for one another"- 1Cor. 11:33
       2.  Partaking together of "one bread", they demonstrate they are "one bread and one body" -           1Cor. 10:17-- We commune not just with the Lord, but with one another


      1. The Biblical evidence is that it was done weekly

         a. Christians came together on the first day of the week to "break bread" - Acts 20:7

         b. Other indications of a weekly observance:

            1) The church at Corinth was coming together to eat the Lord's Supper, though they were                            abusing it - cf. 1Cor. 11:17-22

            2) Instructions concerning the collection suggest their coming together was on the first                                     day of the week - cf. 1Cor. 16:1-2

         c. Following the divinely approved example of Christians in the Bible, we know God                                     approves of a weekly observance on the first day of the week

      2. The earliest historical evidence outside the Bible confirms the  day and frequency.

         a. The Didache (ca. 95 A.D.) indicates Christians were to come together on the first day of                                 the week to break bread- Didache 14:1

         b. Justin Martyr (ca. 150 A.D.) records how Christians assembled on Sunday and partook                                    of the Supper - Apology I, 67

         c. "...the early church writers from Barnabas, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, to Clement of                                        Alexandria, Origen and Cyprian, all with one consent, declare that the church                          observed the first day of the week. They are equally agreed that the Lord's
                        Supper was observed weekly, on the first day of the week." - B. W. Johnson,                                     People's New Testament

      3. Religious scholars confirm this was the practice

         a. "As we have already remarked, the celebration of the Lord's Supper was still held to             constitute an essential part of divine worship every Sunday, as appears from Justin Martyr (A.D. 150)..." - Augustus Neander (Lutheran), History Of Christian Religion And Church, Vol. I, p. 332

         b. "This ordinance (the Lord's Supper) seems to have been administered every Lord's day;     and probably no professed Christian absented themselves..." - Thomas Scott (Presbyterian), Commentary On Acts 20:7

         c. This also is an important example of weekly communion as the practice of the first             Christians." - A. C. Hervey (Episcopalian), Commentary On Acts 20:7.

         d. "It is well known that the primitive Christians administered the Eucharist (the Lord's             Supper) every Lord's day." - P. Doddridge (Congregationalist), Notes On Acts 20:7.

      4. Some believe that a weekly observance diminishes the importance of the Supper

         a. Which is why they may do it monthly, quarterly, or annually

         b. But does the frequent practice of:

            1) Assembling diminishing its value and importance?

            2) Singing praises and offering prayers devalue their benefits?

            3) Preaching and studying God's Word decrease their significance to our lives?

      -- Our spiritual lives are dependent upon the value and benefits of our Lord's death on the cross; a weekly observance of the memorial helps us to live appreciatively and accordingly!


1. "The Lord's Supper" is a very special memorial of Jesus’ death for our sins...

   a. Instituted by Jesus Himself, He asked His disciples to do it in His memory

   b. Jesus told His disciples that He would not eat of the elements again until:

      1) "...that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom." - Mt 26:29

      2) "...that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God." - Mk 14:25

      3) " be fulfilled in the kingdom of God." - Lk 22:16

      4) "...the kingdom of God shall come." - Lk 22:18

2. The first Christians "continued steadfastly" in its observance...
   a. Just as they did in the apostles' doctrine, fellowship and prayer- Acts 2:42

   b. Coming together on the first day of the week for that very purpose- Acts 20:7

3. Christians today should never lose sight of its significance for us...

   a. A constant reminder of the great sacrifice Jesus paid for our sins

   b. A communion or sharing of the body and blood of the Lord

   c. A time for self-examination and rededication of our service to the Lord

   d. A means for building fellowship with one another in the body of Christ

4. May such thoughts encourage us to never neglect opportunities we have to observe the Lord's     Supper, but to continue steadfastly and in so doing "proclaim the Lord's death till He comes."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

If Your Church Teaches Rapture/1000 Year Reign, Open Your Bible and Study This

Pre-millennialism Defined and Refuted 

A. This morning I would like to give another reason why I am a member of the church of Christ – I am a member of the Church of Christ because it teaches the kingdom has now been established and Christ is now reigning.
B. The future kingdom theory together with the literal reign of Christ upon the earth for a literal 1,000 years has invaded the denominational world, it is publicly being advocated by their preachers, and it has even invaded the decision making of our government.

1. I could never cast my lot with a religious group which is lending its support to such a wild theory.

2. This wild theory is called “Premillennialism”

3. This false doctrine teaches that Christ at His second coming will set up a kingdom (not yet established) and will reign in Jerusalem for a 1,000 years over man on the earth.

C. No doubt there are some things hard to understand in the Bible, but Premillennialism cannot possibly be true.  


1. Daniel, in recalling Nebuchadnezzar’s forgotten dream and in giving the interpretation of it said, “And in the days of those kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed … it shall stand forever” (Dan. 2:44).

a. What kings? The kings of the Roman Empire, according to the interpretation of the dream in light of sacred and secular history.

b. God’s ever-standing and never-ending kingdom was to be established while the Romans ruled over man.

2. In the days of the Roman kings John the Baptist came preaching, “Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mt. 3:1-2).

3. After John had been put into prison Jesus preached, “The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand” (Mk. 1:15).

4. Jesus taught that the kingdom was to come during the lifetime of some of the then-living disciples.

a. Mark 9:1

b. Now, either the kingdom has been established, or we have some of the Lord’s disciples living at the age of nearly 2,000 years.

c. If there is someone that old still around we would have heard of it

5. When Jesus sent out the seventy, He said, “The kingdom of God is nigh unto you” (Lk. 10:9). That is, it was soon to be established.

6. We now come to the exact date that the kingdom was established

a. You will recall Mark 9:1 – this power came on the apostles in Jerusalem on Pentecost following the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 2:1-4).

b. Therefore, the kingdom came on Pentecost

7. After Pentecost, Paul wrote, Colossians 1:13

a. They could not have been conveyed or translated into the kingdom if it didn’t exist

b. And, not only that, John said he was in the kingdom (Revelation 1:9).

8. The absurdity of this doctrine is again seen when placed alongside of Hebrews 12:28 – if we have received a kingdom that shall not be shaken, how can it be said that the kingdom has not yet come.

9. Consider also that it is preposterous to look for a kingdom to be established on the earth, for Jesus His kingdom was not of this world (Jn. 18:36). 


1. Zechariah said that Christ “shall sit and rule upon his throne” (Zech. 6:13).

a. Christ is now sitting at God’s right hand (Acts 2:30-35)

b. Therefore, Christ’s throne is at God’s right hand. Not on earth!

2. Zechariah declared that Christ would be a priest on His throne (Zech. 6:13).

a. Paul said that Christ is a great high priest in heaven (Heb. 4:14)

b. Therefore, Christ’s throne is in heaven. Not on the earth!

3. Consider this as well, wherever Christ cannot be a priest He cannot have His throne, for Christ “shall be a priest on his throne” (Zech. 6:13).

a. Christ cannot be a priest on earth – Hebrews 8:4

b. Therefore, it is impossible for His throne to be on the earth. It must be in heaven! 

1. Peter’s statement on the day of Pentecost, “This is the last days,” is sufficient enough to prove doctrine false.

2. All premillennialists hold that we are not living in the last days.

3. They teach that Jesus will inaugurate the last days at His second coming.

4. But the inspired apostle Peter said the last days began when the kingdom began on the day of Pentecost following the resurrection of Jesus

5. Who are we going to believe? 

1. Consider – 2 Peter 3:10

2. How will Jesus reign on the earth if it is burned up? 

1. Revelation 20:1-6

2. This is the premillennialists’ sugar stick text, but notice what it does not mention:

a. The second coming of Christ

b. Christ’s reign on the earth

c. A resurrection of the body

d. Christ ever being on the earth again

e. That we will reign with Him, but rather those who had been “beheaded for the testimony of Jesus” (v.4)

3. This passage is teeming with figurative language

a. They have taken one phrase out of a passage full of figurative language and have tried to make that one phrase (“reign with him a thousand years”) as literal

b. Why do they take that one phrase literally and not the others? 

CONCLUSION: I am a member of the Church of Christ because it teaches the kingdom has now been established and Christ is now reigning!
adapted-Tom Moore/