Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CYC 2013 “Jesus, The Man, The Friend, and The Door”

CYC 2013 “Jesus, The Man, The Friend, and The Door”

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

These days, young people have many role models to look up to. Children are being constantly bombarded with the idea that sports figures such as Lebron James, Tim Tebow, etc. are “the man”.  Our kids are taught that unless we conform to and agree with what is socially acceptable, like homosexuality, we cannot be a “true friend”.  Also, modern day teaching in schools and television are attempting to convince youth that there are many avenues (doors) to heaven, including denominationalism, Islam, and Oprah.    

Last weekend, Summer and I were privileged to accompany 12 of our youth and 6 adults to Challenge Youth Conference in Gatlinburg, TN.  CYC is in its 13th year, and is growing each year.  This year’s conference had over 9000 attendees!   Our children were introduced to six challenging lessons from three of the brotherhoods most dynamic and doctrinally sound preachers, Kyle Butt, Lonnie Jones, and David Shannon. We were also edified by wonderful singing, and some very effective (and sometimes hilarious) skits.  They even got to see their new preacher demonstrate his bible quiz knowledge on stage!! 

This year’s theme at CYC was “Jesus”.  Our teens heard very clear and timely lessons about our Lord and Savior, such as “Jesus, The Man”, “Jesus, Our Friend”, and “Jesus, The Door”. 

Kyle Butt presented Jesus as “The Man”, teaching our kids that Jesus was not only human, suffered and was tempted just as we are, but also that when those things happened to Him, He was triumphant over temptation, and we can be too!  Brother Lonnie Jones related to our young people that Jesus is “our Friend”, and no matter what we do, He will never forsake us and will always be on our side through whatever problem we may have.   And David Shannon effectively demonstrated that Jesus Christ is, and has always been, the ONLY door to heaven (I may have to get me one of those big red doors he used!).

These lessons were greatly encouraging to our young people.  But they weren’t the only good thing about our weekend.  All 20 of us were able to have time to grow, learn about each other, share personal thoughts about the lessons in our “devo-time” after the lessons back at the cabin, and have fun and fellowship together.  I conveyed to them that it was times like these that build friendships that last for a lifetime. 

Training our children, like the Proverb says, is the task of every parent and Christian.  I am thrilled that our time together this past weekend gave us opportunity to plant seeds in the hearts of our kids that will, Lord willing, help them to grow into strong and healthy Christian young adults.  I would like to thank the elders for allowing the trip, and the parents for allowing their children to go.  Young people, if you didn’t have the opportunity to go (it was short notice this year), please consider going with us next year.  You’re guaranteed to have a great time! Just ask anyone who went.

I am convinced, and I am sure you agree, that the strength, health and growth of any congregation is directly related to the strength, health and growth of its youth group.  I am committed to doing my part in ensuring that the Charlotte Avenue youth group grows spiritually and in numbers.  They are a great group of kids, and I am so glad that my boys have them to grow with.  I would like to encourage each of you to pitch in, and grow with us!!  

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