Friday, November 22, 2013

If You Like Your Salvation, You Can Keep It!

“If You Like Your Salvation, You Can Keep It!”

            I admit it. I am a Fox news junkie.  I watch most every evening.  I watch other news too.  My wife and kids think I have a problem, but I attest that I just like to stay up on current events.  Staying “current” is important in life, and also in ministry.

            Lately most of the airtime on the news networks has been dedicated to coverage of the failures of the Affordable Care Act, or “Obama Care” as it has been called by many.  Let me say this, this article is not a political rant against or for Obama Care.  A wise elder once cautioned me that it would be wise for me to abstain from political dialog as much as possible, and for the most part I have taken his advice! For the record I do find a few details of the law very beneficial for some, especially poor people, but consider the law as a whole to be bad for the country.  What prompted me to write this article was the “If you like your current plan, you can keep it” promise that seems to have been (notice I said seems) a fabrication by the President, someone we are supposed to be able to trust.  

            My family had Farm Bureau health insurance.  When the lady sold it to me, she said, “This plan will not meet the specifications of the ACA when it goes into effect”.  I said “that is alright, the President said I could keep my plan if I like it.”  She said, “No you won’t.” and it turns out, she was right.  Some health plans have been labeled as “bad” or “insufficient” therefore they have been cancelled under the law.

            I, along with many that I have seen on television and that I have spoken with personally are perplexed, even saddened by this reality.  I trusted the president.  Personally, I contribute the perils that are befalling the good ole’ USA to the lack of will to abide by the Biblical principles on which our great country was founded (Ps. 33:12), but that is another article.

            I say all of this to make one point.  Our God, Our Creator, Our Sustainer has created in Jesus Christ a plan for mankind, who fell away from His Glory through sin (Gen. 3; Romans 3:23) to be reconciled to Him. And the Truth is that God’s plan will never be taken away from us.  As long as the earth shall be, there is hope for mankind to be saved.   And you can keep you salvation, too.  If man obeys the Gospel (Romans 6:17; Mark 16:15-16) and remains faithful (Rev. 2:10) we can never be “canceled” from salvation (John 10:28-29).   

            By the way, some plans for salvation that have been created by man, not God, are ‘bad’ or ‘insufficient’ plans.  That too is another article.

            Have you obeyed the Gospel of Christ? If so, keep your plan!  Stay faithful!  If not, log on to His Word today and trust in Him with your spiritual health, which, in the long run, is way more important than your physical health.

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